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Auto-Pay Plans & One Time Pay
1hr prorated
17.50$+$1.10 Convenience feeValid for 7 days1.5hr prorated
20$+$1.19 Convenience feeValid for 7 days1.15hr prorated
18.75$+$1.14 Convenience feeValid for 7 daysRegistration fee
35$+$1.71 Convenience feeRegistration fees are due annually.Valid for 6 months1hr
70$+$2.90 convience feeValid for 3 weeks1.15hrs
75$+$3.30 Convenience feeValid for 3 weeks1.5hrs
80$+$3.11 Convenience feeValid for 3 weeks2.15hrs
131$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-10th for all recreational packages.Valid for 12 months- 1.15hrs Cheer
- 1hr HipHop
- 20% discount included
1hr + 1hr sibling
133$Every monthValid for 12 months2.5hrs
136$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-10th for all recreational packages. .Valid for 12 months- 1.5hrs Combo
- 1hr HipHop
- 20% discount included
140$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-10th for all recreational packages.Valid for 12 months- Combo
- Cheer
- 20% discount included
1.5hr + 1hr sibling
143$Every monthValid for 12 months1.5hr + 1.5 sibling
151$Every monthValid for 12 months3hrs
175$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-20th for all participants.Valid for 12 monthsCheer•Combo•HipHop
190$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-10th for all recreational packages.Valid for 12 monthsUnlimited single kid
205$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-20th for all participants.Valid for 12 months- Cheer
- Combo
- Competitive
- HipHop
3hrs + 1hr sibling
238$Every monthValid for 12 monthsUnlimited + 1hr sibiling
268$Every monthValid for 12 monthsUnlimited two kids
275$Every monthAuto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments between 1st-20th for all participants.Valid for 12 months- Combo
- Cheer
- HipHop
- Competitive classes
Withdrawal or Cancellation: One-week notice is required to discontinue any classes. A withdrawal /cancellation form must be filled out and given to the studio director.
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