Now Enrolling
Booking Online
There is an annual registration fee of $35 per student due at the time of your child first class session
Enroll more than one child & receive 10% off tuition.
"Class sizes are limited so be sure to RESERVE your Childs SPOT today!"
"Accepting students all year"
2025-2026 Studio Closings
Valentine's Day, February 14th
Easter Weekend April 18th-20th
Memorial Day Weekend May 23rd-26th
Spring Showcase
Annual Dance Recital June 22, 2025
Summer Break
All students return July 11th, 2025!
Our Mission,
At Ms. Lyndz’s Dance and Gymnastics we strive to provide a safe, fun, positive and motivating environment that will develop and improve each child’s athletic experience and improve their confidence while under the guidance of highly skilled, caring, and compassionate mentors.
Our Motto is “Believers are Achievers”. We teach our athlete’s that whatever the mind can conceive and believe then it can be achieved!
At Ms. Lyndz’s Dance & Gymnastics, we are proud to offer a comprehensive schedule of different Programs perfect for dancers of all ages and abilities. From ballet to cheer, gymnastics to hip-hop, jazz to lyrical, and musical theatre to tap. Our programs will challenge and inspire you to discover your child’s inner artist!

Acrobats is a form of gymnastics which is performed without the assistance of props; you may also hear it referred to as floor gymnastics. Like other forms of gymnastics, acrobats require immense physical strength, flexibility, and stamina. Typically they endure grueling training programs to condition themselves. Several forms of Acrobats are considered Olympic sports, and these events are often quite popular with spectators.

(Ballet, Tap, Jazz, & Lyrical )
Dance is a sport and art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, it's used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.

This fun class is a great way to expose you little star to the wonderful world of dance & tumbling!

Cheerleading is a physical activity, based on organized routines, which contain the components of tumbling, jumps, kicks, stunts and stingers (pom pom dance routines).
Get your Kids movin' with this energetic and fun class! We incorporate the most up to date hip-hop choreography and a variety of other styles. No previous dance experience is required.

Competitive Dance Team

Competitive Dance Teams(Hiphop, Jazz, Lyrical, Musical Theater & TapParticipating in Dance Team is a privilege that requires effort, commitment, and desire.
Dance Team rehearsals and performance preparation will take place at times that are in addition to scheduled classes.
The team auditions will be held at the discretion of the Company Director, date to be decided.
All students wishing to be a part of the Company Teams must audition.
A separate letter discussing the Company policy as well as audition schedule will be sent to eligible dancers.
Auto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments for all competition team participation. The Company Director and Studio Director have the right to dismiss Company members due to tardiness, absences, behavior and/or lack of payment as well as dancers and/or parents that do not follow Company policy.
Alexa Young, CA
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Morgan James, NY
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Lisa Driver, MI
“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”
Competitive Acrobatic/Tumble Team
Ms. Lyndz's Acrobatic competitive tumble team are selected group of gymnast that compete at meets held by the National Acrobatic Competition (NAC).
The Gymnast will be placed in a routine based on their age & skill level. The gymnast will learn a routine that consist of three acrobatic/tumbling passes. Awards will be rewarded for their participation.
National Acrobatic Competition (NAC) classes meet twice a week.
Students compete in 3 to 4 local competitions.
Competitions are held in October and/or early November, late January, early February, and early March.
Students are required to purchase Ms. Lyndz’s Acrobatic Team Warm up which includes, bag/jacket/pants and competition leotard.
Costs Involved:
Leotard- (worn for 1 or 2 years).
Team Warm up- ( worn for 1 or 2 years).
Meet entry – (TBD)
Auto-pay is required for monthly tuition payments for all competition team participation.The Company Director and Studio Director have the right to dismiss Company members due to tardiness, absences, behavior and/or lack of payment as well as gymnast and/or parents that do not follow Company policy.
Contact us if you think your child has what it takes to join Ms. Lyndz’s Acrobatic Competitive Tumble Team today!
"I highly recommend Ms Lyndz's to anyone just starting out or even looking to find a new studio! My girls love it and would live at the studio if they could.
They have both excelled very quickly in both acrobats and dance. And the friendships and bonds these girls have are amazing they support each other even when competing against each other."
Amy Brougher, Ks
Alejandra Hernandez, Kcmo
Como familia latina, nos encanta asistir a la academia de danza y gimnasia de la Sra. Lyndz. Es un ambiente bilingüe, lo que la convierte en un lugar perfecto para enviar a nuestros hijos. Mi hija ha sido estudiante aquí durante muchos años y ha ganado numerosos trofeos y medallas del equipo de competencia. Estamos muy contentos con nuestra experiencia y recomendamos encarecidamente esta academia a la comunidad latina.
Keyonce Kelly, Ks
"We LOVE Ms. Lyndz's Dance! My children have created lifelong friendships and bonds all while participating in dance in a fun and safe environment!
Highly recommend."